My Fabric Inspirations

I have always had an interest in custom made dresses using some of my favourite Australian fabric designers. When I was given a sewing machine for my birthday and encouraged to follow my passion I always knew I wanted to follow in their foot steps. While I have not created my own fabric I am excited and passionate about repurposing fabric offcuts and remnants to create products from designers I admire. I hate waste and I thought it would be a perfect way to use my new found skills and ideals and make something of it. 

I have always had bright coloured dresses and I have every coloured converse shoes under the sun. I love to show off my personality and what better way to compliment that with a colourful lanyard. 

I am a high school teacher so I can understand the fustrations teachers have with carrying resources around whilst trying to carry and open doors with keys etc. I have always had a key wristlet in one of my favourite fabrics. So I thought I would start making my own. This grew into lanyards and I needed a platform to share my creations with people. I can only use one of these items myself so I figured i would share my creations with others. 

I wanted to take the time to shout out to some of my inspirations when it comes to fabric design.

Ellie Whittaker has been one of my favourite Australian fabric designers. I love her fabrics and have purchased many of them myself. She has been a rock in my journey into what I can make with fabric. So thank you Ellie and if you get a chance visit her webpage and hopefully you can see what awesome work she creates.

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